Uncertainty in life/जीवन में अनिश्चितता/10.08.2020
We have a fear of uncertainty in life. If we have faith in those who have created us, then we do not need to fear from anyone. Anything non happening will never happened and the other side we cannot stop happening what will happen. Therefore nothing is to worry, because everything has scripted. We are born for acting on the stage of universe according to direction of our creater. The sensation of life is remains in uncertainty which has control our emotion and aggression. We should not have to think about those things which are not in our hand. Whenever we have started to work according to our reach, the results always have encourage us. Our success and failure have many dimension through which we can evaluate the importance of both. What happening around us are not imaginary but it is a fixed path through which each and every have to revolved. We have made many strong wall to protect yourself but we usually forgotten that these type of for whom and ...