Nature & Spirituality/28.05.2020
This is challenging time of medical sciences, almost all the OPD services have been stopped due to corona virus pandemic. Nobody have a answer that all hospitals and clinics which were engaged in treatment, what they are doing these days? Where is the bunch of patient have gone now. The natural way of life is more vial than the life under false security. We have to work on basics to correct everything. Our internal defense system should as good as desire. The guarantee and warrant are not a part of life. Nothing is guaranteed in the world, even our natural associates also. Those who have no interested in nature system might be worst scenario of the future. When we have prepared for reception of auspicious sun light which will comes from hole of hut. Contd..... यह चिकित्सा विज्ञान के चुनौतीपूर्ण समय है, कोरोनोवायरस महामारी के कारण लगभग सभी ओपीडी सेवाओं को रोक दिया गया है। किसी के पास कोई जवाब नहीं है कि सभी अस्पताल और क्लीनिक जो इला...